Sometime I wish that I was living in a place like New York, surrounded by all sources of art related influences. The great historical and contemporary galleries or museums where I could visit from time to time to do my observation on masterpieces of art or keep up with latest art activities in this industry.
Last time I went to New York, I was still in school involving with art society and artsy people. My visit was quite the experience in my world of art but it was kind of overwhelming at the same time. There was not enough time to take advantage of all these beauties . My wife and I were running around all day to catch up with all the stuff was going at the museums ; lots of wall-to-wall people from all over the world come to experience the same dream and meet with all the legends Leonardo da Vinci, Picasso, Rembrandt and so on. I used to forget what was the real reason for me being there; am I looking at the paintings, the brush strokes , colors and light, the style of paintings and comparing them with my own or I am watching interesting people around me? It was little too much; my eyes used to get tired.
My other dream was to live in Italy or France where I could see the real stuff at anytime, go to visit the place that some painter like Monet sat at the sunset to paint his masterpiece or go to the old cafe where Avant Garde people used to hangout to talk about art and politics. Or visit the old streets of France where every bridge or famous building was captured the attention of some artist at some time.
My wife and I still talk about moving to Europe, to live our life there but haven't decided how. It sounds like a dream; the fantasy world that most of artists live.