September 2, 2009
My other thoughts
I was thinking about what Erika, my wife, said to me the other day... to walk away from painting if it's not working for you. It reminded me of a part from the movie 'Heat' when Dinero and Pacino were in the coffee shop face to face having this conversation about what is that they do and dinero said "someone told me once 'don't get yourself too attached to any thing, if you are not willing to walk out in 30 seconds flat if you spot the 'Heat' around the corner'." Now I don't feel threatend by what I do but to me is almost the same concept because I love to do it and it's what I do. There is too much attachments involved like I have toward my wife you can't walk away; it's what it is. You are what you do or the correct way to say it "you do what you are".